Friday, November 11, 2011

Season 3, Episode 5: THE FIRST TIME

Artie reveals that directing is his true passion. With the opening night of the musical coming up, Blaine and Rachel rehearse a scene and sing "Tonight." The other directors are impressed. Artie thinks the two of them lack passion and he asks them about their first sexual experience. They admit to being virgins. Artie tells them he's concerned it will impact their performance. Finn tells Rachel a recruiter from Ohio State will be coming to visit him. That doesn't seem to change her plans to attend the arts school in New York. His parents are going to be out of town. She is going to come over. Kurt and Blaine talk about how safe they're being sexually. Kurt seems worried they haven't "been all the way" yet. Blaine says he wants to make sure Kurt is comfortable about it when it eventually happens. Coach Beiste tells Artie she's a virgin also. She tells him she has the hots for an Ohio State recruiter named Mankins. Blaine goes back to Dalton Academy and watches a Warblers performance of Billy Joel's "Uptown Girl," even joining in. He got them tickets for West Side Story. Blaine meets a new guy, Sebastian, who asks him about leaving Dalton. Blaine says he misses Dalton, but McKinley is where his heart is. During this conversation we cut to Rachel and Santana singing "A Boy Like That." Sebastian says he would like to meet him again. Blaine agrees. Finn asks Puck for help choosing a condom. Puck says he doesn't use them. Mankins drops by the locker room and tells the team he'll be in the stands Friday night. Blaine asks Kurt if he thinks they should be more adventurous. Artie takes Mankins aside and tells him he needs to ask Beiste out again. Blaine and Sebastian have coffee. Sebastian seems interested in cheating. Blaine tells him he doesn't want to screw up what he has with Kurt. Kurt stops by and gets introduced. Sebastian suggests getting them both fake IDs and taking them to a gay bar. Kurt accepts, over Blaine's hesitation. Finn and Rachel toast to their four-month anniversary with sparkling cider. After dinner, they start to fool around. Rachel seems interested in going all the way. When she admits she wants to get it out of the way in time for the play, Finn is upset and leaves to get dessert. Mike's father has learned he lied to him and is appearing in the musical. He wants him to quit. Mike refuses. Mike assures him he will be a professional dancer and doesn't want to be a doctor. His father tells him if he doesn't quit he's no longer his son. Mankins brings Beiste some flowers and asks her out. Beiste doesn't think she's the kind of woman he'd be interested in. He says he thinks she's beautiful and says "Friday, after the game." Rachel tells some of the other girls she and Finn almost fooled around. Quinn, Santana and Brittany all think she should wait. Tina said it was a great experience "because I was with someone I loved." She says she and Mike knew that it was right. Kurt and Blaine go to the gay bar. It's drag queen night. Blaine and Sebastian dance together. Kurt runs into Karofsky at the bar. He's at a new school and says he feels accepted at places like that. They toast to baby steps. Kurt heads for the dance floor and starts grinding on Blaine. In the parking lot Blaine grabs Kurt and says he wants them to have sex right there. Kurt is offended Blaine is hammered and spent half the night dancing with another guy. Blaine walks home. Opening night arrives. Five minutes before the curtain raises. Artie begins to panic - he didn't do a very good job. The cast walks over, presents him with yellow roses, and thanks him for being so confident in his directing of their musical. He talks about being in a chair and what being a director did for him. We see the performance of "America." After the song, Blaine wonders to Rachel how they "as virgins" as supposed to top that. Rachel says they should tap into the fact Tony and Maria were soul mates who found one another against all odds. Since Rachel and Blaine both know what that's like. She says they'll be fine. After the performance, Blaine and Kurt talk on the empty stage. Blaine tells him Sebastian doesn't mean anything to him and their first time shouldn't be in the back of a car when one of them is drunk. Blaine invites him to an after party. Kurt says he wants them to go to his house indicating that they will have sex. Rachel shows up at Finn's door. He tells her the recruiter told him his football career will probably end in high school. He's devastated - his dreams are dead. Rachel says they'll figure out new dreams together. She tells Finn she was being stupid the other night and now is simply a girl with the boy she loves. Blaine and Kurt have sex as do Finn and Rachel. During the musical Blaine and Rachel think of their boyfriends as they sing "One Hand, One Heart."
SONGS: Tonight
Uptown Girl
A Boy like That
One Hand, One Heart
NEXT EPISODE: Mash Off- The rivalry between New Directions and The Troubletones heats up as Finn and Santana begin to dish insults to each other. Will and Shelby make the kids have a mash up competition between the two groups. Meanwhile, Puck tries to get Shelby while Quinn tries to get Beth back.

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