Saturday, October 23, 2010

Season 2, Episode 6: NEVER BEEN KISSED

Finn is having a hot bath in the boys locker room. Sam hops into an ice bath. He says he is used to cold showers as he needs to cool off after making out with Quinn as she wont put out. Finn reveals his technique and Sam finds his own by picturing Coach Beiste while making out with Quinn. He then says Beiste while making out with Quinn. Kurt is once again bullied by Kwarfsky and it gets to him. In glee club, Will announces that at Sectionals next month they will be competing against a school of old people and the all boy Dalton Academy Warblers. Will then makes this week the second annual boys vs girls mash up competition. Quinn goes to Sue about her problem with Sam saying Beiste while making out with her. Sue finds it discus ting and uses it as an opportunity to get Beiste fired. Puck tells Artie that his community service is to help him. Puck and Artie perform 'One Love' for the school and make people pay. Artie then tells Puck he wants Britney back and he says he will help. Kurt is once again bullied and Will asks if there is anything he can do. Kurt says there is nothing. Will makes it a rule that the boys must perform girl songs and the girls must perform girl songs- the more opposite their performance- the more points they get. Kurt suggests ideas to the group and they ignore them and tell him to go spy on the Warblers. Kurt goes to spy and pretends to be a new student. He meets a gay boy named Blaine who takes Kurt to a room where Blaine and the Warblers perform 'Teenage Dream.' Mike and Tina make out in a classroom after school and Tina says Beiste. She then runs off. Quinn talks to Sam in the hallway. Beiste overhears her name and asks what is going on. At this point Mike tells her to stay away from his woman. Sam and Mike tell Will what they have been doing and he says it ends now and has got to stop. The Warblers discover Kurt is a spy and believe he did not come to steal ideas. Blaine talks to him when Kurt gets upset over the fact that the Dalton Academy is a school where nobody is bullied. Blaine says that he ran when he used to get bullied and he regrets it and tells Kurt to stay strong and not to make the same mistake. The girls discuss how they are going to beat the boys. At this point, Artie and Puck walk in and agree to go out on a double date to bread sticks with Britney and Santana. Beiste asks Will what is going on with the glee guys. He tells her they have been picturing her to cool off and she gets upset. Puck, Britney and Santana decide to dine and ditch at bread sticks. After the three of them run off, Artie puts money down and leaves. Puck sees and gets mad at him. The girls perform their mash up of 'Start Me Up/ Livin' On A Prayer.' When it finishes, Becky walks in and gives will a note. He goes to the auditorium where Sue has 2 confetti cannons. She announces that Beiste quit and fires them. She says she quit thanks to the glee club. Will gets mad at the and they feel bad. Kurt is once again pushed into his locker by Kwarfsky. he chases after him into the locker room and yells at him. At this point Kwarsky kisses Kurt. Kurt stands there shocked as Kwarfsky walks out in anger. Puck gets in trouble for using Artie as his community service. They say he must find an alternative community service or go back to juvi. Puck gets mad and says he is not going back there and runs off. Blaine and Kurt talk to Kwarfsky. Kwarfsky gets mad at Blaine and Kurt pushes him away telling him to stop it. Kwarsfky runs off. Kurt is upset because until Kwarfsky kissed him he had never been kissed- not one that counted. Artie talks to Puck. Puck admits that Juvi was horrible and doesn't want to go back. Artie thanks Puck for his help and says Artie will help him with his community service. Will tries to convince Beiste not to quit. She says she has never even been kissed. Will says she is beautiful inside and out. He kisses her and she smiles. She then watches the boys do their mash up of 'Stop! In The Name Of Love/ Free Your Mind.' At the end she says she liked it and they all hug.
SONGS: One Love (People Get Ready)
Teenage Dream
Start Me Up/ Livin' On A Prayer
Stop! In The Name Of Love/ Free Your Mind
NEXT EPISODE: The Substitute- When Will gets sick a substitute named Holly Holiday takes over as glee club director. Holly lets the kids do music they want to do. They soon see she is much better than Will. Meanwhile Sue takes over as principal and unleashes her wrath over the school.

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