Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Season 2, Episode 7: THE SUBSTITUTE

Sue reveals to Will that she is now principle because a flew has been spreading around and in her contract it says she gets to take over. Will is then sneezed on and gets sick. He tries to stay Strong in glee club but ends up seeing the teenagers as small toddlers. Will goes home sick and Terri shows up to help him better. Will convinces her to leave. She tells him to watch Singing in the Rain as she knows it makes him feel better when he is sick. Rachel takes over the glee club and sets the assignment that everybody comes up with songs for her to sing at Sectionals. Kurt blows off Mercedes to hang out with Blaine. Mercedes gets excited when the school brings out Tatar tots. Kurt complains about Rachel taking over and goes to ask the cool Spanish substitute teacher if she will take over. She agrees. She shows up in glee club where they try to pull pranks on her but they fail. She asks the kids what songs they want to do and they are shocked as Will usually forces them to do songs that they don't like. She and the glee club then sing 'Forget You.' The Kids all seem to love her except for Rachel. Will has a dream of him dancing and singing 'Make Em' Laugh.' Rachel shows up to tell Will about Holly. Will has no problem with it as until he finds out that Sue likes Holly and Sue may let Holly take over the glee club full time. Sue bands Tatar tots from the school. Kurt tells Mercedes that he got her a date with a boy named Anthony but Mercedes rejects the offer. Kwarsky walks past Kurt and winks at him. Mercedes gets the whole school angry and demanding for the tots to come back. Holly talks to Rachel and tells her that she sucks. She tells Rachel that she needs to lighten up. Rachel says she wants to do an upbeat dance number. Holly then offers to be her partner. This makes Rachel like Holly a lot more. Terri feeds Will soup and then rubs cream into his back. She then seduces him into having sex. Rachel and Holly perform 'Nowadays/ Hot Honey Rag' which the rest of the glee club love. Will returns to school. Sue tells him the news that the school board has fired Figgins and made her official principle. She then fires Will. Kurt Blaine and Mercedes go to bread sticks where Kurt and Blaine leave Mercedes out. Will meets Holly and they talk to each other. Holly says she is sorry but she is keeping the job. Mercedes gets in trouble for shoving tots up Sue's tail pipe. Holly also gets in trouble for letting her. Holly goes to Will's apartment where she cries and says she is a bad teacher and backs out when things get serious. Holly says she used to be a normal teacher until a student attacked her and that's when she realised she needs to connect with the kids. Holly says she is going to step aside from the job and go back to being a substitute. Terri walks in and gets mad at Will and Holly. Will tells Terri the other night was a mistake and he tells her to leave and never come back. Terri says that was Will's last chance and he is going to regret it. Terri then leaves. Mercedes sneaks tots into the school and Kurt tells her to stop substituting love for food. Mercedes apologises to Kurt and then goes to talk to Anthony. Kwarsfky approaches Kurt and tells him that if he tells anybody about the kiss- he will kill him. The glee club all ask for Will back and Sue (after being nagged) agrees. Will thanks the kids and then assigns them the songs Singing in the Rain. They do not seem to like it. Will asks Holly if she will help him make it more modern and she agrees. Will, Holly and the glee club perform a mash up of 'Singing In The Rain/ Umbrella.'
SONGS: Forget You
Make Em' Laugh
Nowadays/ Hot Honey Rag
Singing In The Rain/ Umbrella
NEXT EPISODE: Furt- Burt and Carol make the shock announcement that they are going to get married and the entire glee club is invited. Meanwhile- Sue's Nazi hunting mother comes into town to pay her daughters a visit and tensions rise between Kurt and Kwarfsky.

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