Sunday, January 30, 2011

Season 2, Episode 13: COMEBACK

With New Directions set to go to Regionals and his relationships in the past, Will feels he's well on his way to making a comeback – until Emma pops into his Spanish class and tells him there's an emergency. Turns out Sue, distraught over losing all of her Cheerios budget to the glee club, has left a suicide note. Will and Emma find out she's faking, but Sue is indeed depressed. Emma convinces Will to bring Sue into the club to help her lift her spirits. They both agree. Will announces they will be performing against the Warblers AND Oral intensity again at Regionals and this year the theme for Regionals is Anthems so he gives the kids an assignment to find an anthem. Single and forlorn, Rachel decides the best way to get over Finn is to focus on her career. She decides she needs to make a comeback, too, and enlists Brittany's help by paying her to dress like her. The plan is working, sort of. The other students are following Brittany's version of Rachel's hot-librarian look, but Brittany keeps adapting it to her own whims and that isn't helping Rachel raise her profile at McKinley at all. Sam has been working on a plan for his comeback with Quinn by styling himself after Justin Bieber. He's been combing his hair into side bangs and playing bah mitzvahs on the sly as the Justin Bieber Experience to hone his act. When he performs "Baby" for the glee club, the rest of the members are dubious, but once he starts singing all the girls are in a swoon. Even Sue. No one can explain or deny the Power of the Bieb. Sam, puck, Mike and Artie perform Justin Beibers "Somebody To Love." Sue realizes that the only way she can make her comeback is to destroy glee club. She decides to stir up trouble by asking Rachel and Mercedes separately to give her diva lessons so that she can get her groove back. While meeting with both of them, she tells each of them that the other think she isn't very talented. Two prove their talent to each other, they sing "Take Me Or Leave Me." in a diva-off, and end up hugging. So, Sue's plan had the opposite outcome. Puck finds an opportunity to further woo Lauren when she admits she's nervous about performing in front of a group. He tells her to do the classic stage-fright technique: Picture Everyone Naked. It works, and her rendition of "I Know What Boys Like" goes well. Will takes Sue to a children's hospital where they sing with the kids. Sue tells Will the glee clubs anthem selections are terrible. She and the glee cub perform her song selection which is "Sing." Rachel then suggests that the song is great but the glee club can't afford to lose Reginals again this year and the best way to surprise the judges and outdo the other teams is to write and perform their own Original Songs. The glee club vote and everybody beside Rachel decides to do Sing instead of Original Songs. Afterwards, Finn tells Rachel he thinks she's right about doing original material and that he always loved the way she stood up for what she believed in and she should write a song and perform it for the club to show them its the right thing to do. Santana tells Sam that Quinn and Finn really did kiss and their story about how Finn choked on a gum ball and Quinn gave him the kiss of life is stupid and that Sam is choosing to believe it so he can be with her. Sam breaks up with Quinn even though she still wants to be with him. Sam and Santana start to go out. Sue makes the shock announcement to Will that she is the new coach of Oral Intensity and she is going to destroy the glee club.
Somebody To Love
Take Me or Leave Me
I Know What Boys Like
NEXT EPISODE: Blame It On The Achohol- During achohol awareness week, Will decides the have the glee club perform a song to show that drinking isn't cool. The glee club become hypocrites when Rachel throws a party where everybody in the club gets drunk leading to massive consequences.

1 comment:

  1. I am a total Gleek and take Glee with me wherever I go. That is the best perk of working for DISH Network; I always know about the newest technology and use that knowledge to my advantage. Now I get to watch all of my favorite shows on my iPhone anywhere I have internet access, even on vacation!
