Thursday, November 12, 2009

Quinn Vs. Rachel

In The second episode of glee, Rachel Berry devoloped a crush for Finn Hutson but didn't tell him because he dosnt notice her and he is dating Quinn Fabray. Quinn said to her- "You can sing with him, you can dance with him. But you will NEVER have him." Later that episode Finn and Rachel kiss but Finn walks off. In episode 5, Rachel got made at him when she went out with Finn, just to find out Quinn is pregnant. They patch things up in the end. In episode 6, Rachel tries to make friends with Quinn, but in episode 7 Quinn and Rachel argue about Finn after Finn wishes Quinn would be more like Rachel. In episode 8, Puck and Rachel date but only to make Finn jelous, they break up because of Rachels crush on Finn, and Pucks feelings for Quinn. Puck reminds her Finn and Quinn will never break up. So who do you think Finn will end up with (please leave a comment stating who you think!) Quinn- the girl everyone thinks he will be with. Or will he listen to his heart and be with Rachel. So now its Quinn Vs. Rachel in a Smackdown!!

1 comment:

  1. I think Rachel because Quinn is lying that the baby really belongs to Puck. AND- Rachel is much nicer and supports Finn more!!
